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What is herbal medicine?

Herbal medicine is the use of plants (fresh, dried, tinctured) to soothe almost any ailment. Herbal medicine has been used by humans since the caveman days. There is evidence that our paleolithic hominid ancestors consumes willow, st. john's wort, chamomile, and more!

I practice "Western" Herbal Medicine which is distinguished from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) because we use plants primarily found in Europe and North America.


For more info on the history of herbal medicine...



Some things that western herbal medicine is especially helpful for:

- colds and flus 

- digestive issues

- sleep issues

- anxiety and mental wellness

However, there are hundreds of western medicinal plants that have thousands of uses and for almost any ailment you can imagine there is a plant that can be of use.


What is it used for?

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